Saturday, July 4, 2009


The disease of tuberculosis (TB) infection is a chronic infectious disease that still remains a public health problem the world, including Indonesia. World Health Organization (WHO) in the Annual report on global TB control in 2003 says there are 22 countries classified as high-Burden of TB countries. Indonesia including ranking third after China and India accounted for TB in the world. According to WHO estimates insidence rate for sputum examination was found acid-resistant bacillus (BTA) is a positive 115 per 100,000 (WHO, 2003).
WHO reported the existence of 3 million people die due to TB each year and estimated 5000 per day. Each year there are 9 million new TB patients and 75% of cases of death and illness in the community suffered by people in the productive age from 15 to 45 years. In the poorest countries deaths TB is 25% of the actual death can be prevented. Regional Southeast Asia bear the terberat part of the global burden of TB around 38% of the cases (MOH, 2001).
Based on Household Health Surveys (SKRT) 2001 figures estimated prevalence of pain in 8 per 1000 population based on the symptoms without laboratory examination, TB and occupied the third rank as a cause of death (9.4% of total deaths) after the disease system and the circulation system respiratory. In Indonesia each year found 583,000 new TB patients and 50% of them (296,000) is the category of the BTA that infectious positive, a result 140,000 people die each year (National Health Research and Development (R & D Agency), 2002). Aditama (1997), collects some of the TB prevalence survey in Indonesia and set BTA (+) in 15 provinces of 290 per 100,000 based on a survey conducted in 1980-1983.
Since 1995 the program Pemberantasan Tuberculosis Lung, strategies have been implemented with Dots (Directly observed Treatment Short Course) recommended by WHO and developed in line with the GERDUNAS-TB, the disease Pemberantasan Tuberculosis Lung turns to Penanggulangan Program Tuberculosis (TB). Dots on the strategy can provide a number of high-healing. World Bank says the strategy is a strategy Dots health the most cost-effective (MOH, 2002), the CDR in Indonesia reached 33% with a cure rate of 86% (Pardosi, 2005). The government in this case the Ministry of Health has been working with hospitals, health centers, non-government organizations (NGOs), and physician practices, to succeed TB control activities, regular treatment to TB elimination occurred in Indonesia.

Definition of TB
Tuberculosis (TB) disease is an infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Stem acid-resistant bacteria is a pathogenic organism or saprofit. Bacteria that are dormant can rise again and make more active tuberculosis (Bahar, 2001).

The cause of tuberculosis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the type of rod-shaped bacteria with length 1 - 4 / Um, thick and 0.3 - 0.6 / Um (Bahar, 2001).
Bacteria can quickly die with the sun directly, but can survive several hours at the dark and humid bacteria can also live on the air resistance and dry conditions in the cold (you can hold for many years in the refrigerator) (MOH, 2002).
Nature of other bacteria is aerob. This indicates that the bacteria more like a high-level network oksigennya. In this case, the oxygen pressure in the lungs apikal higher than the other, so that the apikal this is the place predileksi disease tuberculosis (Bahar, 2001).

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